What To Look Out For When Choosing A Roommate

Being sceptical about one’s choice of a roommate is something that is not peculiar to international students but also to local students as well. Choosing someone you would have to live with for a set duration of time is a task that ought to be greeted with great attention and care while making a selection.

In this blog post, we share some essential attributes to look out for when deciding on your choice of a roommate.


The goal is not to find another version of yourself but someone you can both bear to live together in harmony for a duration of time and avoid friction.

Below are some areas to focus on.


  • Compatibility:

The truth is that two people can only co-exist together if they share certain things in common. Such a compatible individual should share the same beliefs on things such as cleanliness, study habits, noise tolerance, and social preferences. These are areas where two individuals sharing an apartment would generally have friction. If one person loves a clean space and the other does not, it will constantly be an issue for both of them. Your questions should hover around the above things so you can be sure that you are going to live with someone who understands what you want in a shared space.


  • A shared idea on privacy:

You do not want to settle for a roommate who feels it is okay to walk about the apartment naked or walk into your space and use your things without asking for permission. You should be looking out for someone who understands privacy and respects the privacy of others, as you would want to avoid constantly having issues with a roommate over such things regarding individual privacy.



  • Cultural sensitivity:

You should be on the lookout for a roommate who is respectful, open-minded, and willing to learn about and appreciate cultural differences and traditions. Such an individual should be accommodative of people from other cultural backgrounds and not be a racist.


  • Communication:

When looking for a roommate, you must consider someone who is approachable, respectful, and willing to discuss concerns or issues openly and constructively. Such an individual should not be somebody who can be  easily provoked or one who is often irritated at the slightest thing that comes up.



  • Finances:

You should also pick someone who believes in saving for rainy days. Such a person must share the understanding that money should be kept aside for days when there is an emergency or against payment of bills and rent in case you would want to keep sharing space with them. 


  • Hobbies and interests:

Go for a roommate with whom you share common interests and hobbies, as this will help you both to adjust quickly and co-exist peacefully. Having common interests can facilitate bonding and create opportunities for socializing, exploring a new environment, and participating in shared activities together.

  • Security: 

You need a roommate who is not a member of a secret society or believes in the membership of one and also someone who is not a member of a gang if the person is a local student from that country.


Your questions that you will be asking an intending roommate should be centered around these areas discussed so you can be sure the person is the right fit for you. Even though some individuals do lie, there are smart ways you could ask questions about these things that they would say their real stand about them without knowing.     

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