Stop Panicking About Finding Your Student’s Accommodation

Are you worried about getting the right accommodation as a result? Uncertain of what exactly to expect and how to go about the process? You surely are not alone in these worries. Over 164 thousand people are searching for “what to know about student accommodation” That is to tell you that you are just one of a thousand persons searching for the basics of getting student accommodation. 


In this blog, we share the basic things you should know while searching for student accommodation.


After you have gotten your admission process worked out and you have secured that, you will need to do a couple more things to get started.

  • Begin your search on time:

The truth is, you are not the only person who has been given admission for that academic session. Other students are searching for the same comfortable accommodation you are looking for. You should start searching early to avoid having to make decisions that will not bring you comfort hastily.


  • Expect the best, but be ready to settle:

Stay flexible while searching for accommodation. Our next point will explain this better. If an accommodation meets a couple of your expectations but does not meet all, be ready to settle for a short lease while you look for something better that completely fits into your set expectations.


  • Have a checklist:

Your checklist comprises of things you would expect your dream accommodation to have to be taken by you. Ensure you have these in order of importance to your well-being and special needs so that you do not set some unrealistic expectations. 


  • Research:

Research thoroughly and be sure that you have exhausted all other options before you draw your conclusion. Use platforms like amber student and casita to search for all available options within your choice location.   


  • Ask for help:

You cannot do it all by yourself. Join online student platforms, check in with your school’s student advisor, and ask questions or contact us for more details. 



Stay organized 

Utilize online platforms 

Ask questions

Communicate with the necessary people and 

Stay positive and flexible

You do not need to let yourself be perturbed by getting the best form of accommodation as a student as some channels and platforms have simplified the process.   

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