Health and Wellness Tips for International Students

Maintaining health and well-being is important for international students to succeed academically and to feel well generally, especially during the transition period of adjusting to a new environment.

International students’ health is a complex issue with physical, mental, and social aspects.
In this article, we share some helpful guidelines for international students, either when they are relocating or at any point during their stay in their host country.

Health and Wellness Tips for International Students

1. Consume meals that are balanced:
Keep your diet well-balanced by including lots of fruits, vegetables, healthy grains, and lean meats. To learn about different foods and cooking techniques, visit your neighbourhood markets and grocery stores.

2. Make time to sleep:
Make sleep a priority and strive for seven to nine hours of good sleep every night. Reduce distractions in your sleeping surroundings, develop a peaceful bedtime ritual, and stick to a regular sleep schedule.

3. Remain hydrated:
Staying hydrated during the day requires drinking a lot of water, particularly in warmer areas. Alcohol and sugar-filled drinks should be avoided as they might negatively affect your general health and energy levels.

4. Control the stress:
Life as an international student can be challenging, which is why it is important to learn stress-reduction strategies like deep breathing, yoga, meditation, and/ or take up hobbies and enjoyable pastimes.

5. Continue to have regular contact with your family and friends:
Continually communicate via emails, social media, or video chats with your family and friends back home. Sharing your experiences and maintaining relationships can provide emotional support and a sense of community.

6. When necessary, seek medical attention:
Learn about the healthcare options that your university and the host country have to offer. In the event of a sickness or accident, be aware of how to get medical attention and make sure your health insurance is sufficient.

7. Stay active:
Regular physical activity will improve your mood, give you more energy, and help you feel less stressed. To keep active, check out the school gym, join a sports team, or just go for walks.

As an international student, you can achieve academic and personal success by putting your health and well-being first and taking preventative steps to take care of yourself. Always remember to treat yourself with kindness and recognize your progress along the road.


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