5 Interesting Reasons To Study In Ireland

Are you caught while deciding where to study? Are you wondering if Ireland will be an excellent destination to explore? Well, other people are also considering whether they should pick Ireland as well.

In this article, we discuss five reasons you should consider studying in Ireland.

  • Work after studies:

For those who want an extra year to explore their career before going for a master’s degree or Ph.D., this is an important reason why you should study in Ireland: the availability of post-study work visas offers you an after-study work visa that allows you to establish your career. The Irish government provides one-year stay-back visas for bachelor’s graduates and up to 2-year stay-back visas for master’s graduates. The one-year stay-bak visa will allow you to practice to gain experience before moving on the next year or to decide if you would want to go for your master’s degree.


  • Excellent educational system:

According to the IMB’s world competitiveness ranking in 2019, Ireland was ranked in the top 10 places with the best educational system. Ireland’s excellent educational system makes it a good place to study and take advantage of its well-structured educational system. 

  • Security:

Security is one of the significant requirements that everyone checks for when selecting places to study abroad. Ireland is ranked as the 12th most peaceful place in the world, with a serene environment. You do not need to be worried about your safety while studying in Ireland. 


  • Social Security benefits:

The social security number for Ireland is called the personal public service number, and it has benefits such as housing grants, driver’s licenses, public health services, and free travel passes.

  • Global opportunities:

A degree from any university in Ireland is globally recognized, and having post-graduate work experience from Ireland also eases the burden of being accepted for work wherever you might yourself afterward.


Other benefits include;

  • Ireland is a place with friendly people 
  • Ireland has a very welcoming culture 
  • Ireland is a cost-effective place to live and
  • Ireland generally has a good quality living standard


Ireland is a fantastic place to study; it gives you access to its wonderful people, peaceful and cozy environment, and opportunities to grow yourself on a global scale, both career-wise and socially. 

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